Summary of AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Playa Flamenca X was recently held in accordance with the following agenda items. A more detailed account of the discussions and resolutions will be provided in the full minutes when issued by the Administrator. In the meantime, here is a summary which highlights the key points which were discussed.

Item 1: President’s Report

The President’s Report, previously distributed to all members, was formally presented to those in attendance. The report outlined key activities and challenges over the past year, with particular emphasis on issues encountered during the summer months.

Item 2: Presentation and Approval of the Accounts

The accounts for another successful financial year were presented and subsequently approved. The community experienced a positive financial outcome despite the substantial work undertaken during the year, which included the installation of new gates and several repairs and maintenance projects. There was also a brief discussion regarding a single outstanding debtor issue, though no further action was required at this stage.

Item 3: Presentation and Approval of the Ordinary Budget of Expenses

A significant part of the meeting involved a detailed discussion regarding the performance of the current maintenance company. The debate centred on whether to retain or replace the existing provider. A vote was taken, and Proposal B was approved. This entails a 10% increase in community fees, with the intention of seeking a more reliable and higher-quality maintenance service.

Item 4: Extraordinary Works

Item 4.1: The assembly voted in favour of replacing the three doors at the Eastern pool with new doors equipped with self-closing mechanisms, key-operated locks, and anti-tamper plates. This measure is aimed at enhancing both safety and security. As a result, an extraordinary fee of €35 will be levied on each property, payable between 16th and 30th November 2024.

Item 4.2: A study will be conducted to investigate the issue of missing tiles from both pools. The community will review the study’s findings and proposed options, which will be communicated via email to all homeowners. Voting on the preferred solution will take place without the need for an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).

Item 5: Election of Officers

Initially, no candidates came forward to take on the role of President. However, following a thorough and productive discussion, Jos graciously and honourably agreed to serve for one more year, to the appreciation and gratitude of the attendees. The discussion also addressed the challenges faced by the President during the year, notably the ongoing issues of misbehaviour in the pools during the summer.

It was emphasised that resolving pool-related issues is the responsibility of all homeowners. Owners are encouraged to address problems directly with the individuals involved, involving the police if necessary. However, the President should not be seen as the first point of contact for such matters. All homeowners must work together to uphold community standards and support the President in maintaining order.

Jos will be assisted by a committee comprising Sylvia, Jack, Linda, and Steven.

Item 6: Any Other Business

Item 6.1: A reminder was issued regarding the formal procedures for property modifications and extensions. The assembly voted and approved an application for the construction of an outdoor storeroom.

Item 6.2: The meeting reiterated the importance of respecting community rules, especially with regard to maintaining peace and quiet for all residents. Following an extensive discussion, the proposal to prohibit construction work during the months of July and August was approved by a vote.

Item 6.3: The responsibility of property owners who rent their homes was discussed and the need to ensure that their tenants and holidaymakers adhere to community and pool rules was stressed. After a comprehensive debate, a vote was taken, approving a 20% increase in community fees to address this issue.

Item 6.4: The meeting concluded with a note acknowledging ongoing leaks into the garages. While no immediate solution was discussed, it was noted that this issue may need to be addressed in the future.

Item 6.5: The date for the next AGM will be 3rd October 2025, venue to be advised.

This summary highlights the key points discussed during the AGM. Further details will be available in the complete minutes to be issued soon. The meeting was closed.

One thought on “Summary of AGM

  1. Thank you Jocelyn for your good work! We greatly appreciate your work for the community

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