Suspected poisoning of a pet cat

A home owner has spoken to me about the death of her pet cat this week.

In the small hours of the morning the cat returned to the house crying, obviously in distress. The cat was frothing at the mouth and was in pain internally. Initially the owner thought the cat had been hit by a car, but there were no obvious external injuries.

Lying on the owner’s lap the cat died. The cat was only a few years old and previously healthy. The vet concluded that either the cat had been poisoned or, less likely, had been hit by a vehicle.

A few years ago we had cases of pets being killed by poisoning on this urbanisation. I will not allow, under any circumstances, a pet to suffer such a painful and horrible death, and if I get any evidence of anyone laying poison down I will have no hesitation in calling the police.

Will all pet owners keep a close eye on their pets, and importantly, will all home owners on our urbanisation keep a watchful eye on anyone they suspect to be laying down poison and let police and/or me know immediately.

Tony Mayes, President.