UK Pensions after Brexit

Already, some countries where British pensioners are living – such as in the EU, UK, US, and Philippines, receive the obligatory pension increase.  UK pensioners in Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa for example, do not get the pension increase, known as the UK “Frozen Pension Policy”.
When the UK leaves the EU, the “do nothing” option (i.e. There will be no specific provision made within the exit negotiations)  means that the UK will no longer be “legally obliged” to pay the annual UK State Pension increase to pensioners living in the EU.
The worry is that the UK government will see the annual increase to the State Pension for pensioners living in the EU as an opportunity to save money as part of the Brexit negotiations.

There are nearly half a million UK pensioners living in the EU. When the UK leaves the EU, these pensioners could well lose the annual increase to their UK state pension.
If you are concerned that your UK Pension will become “frozen” then go to :

And sign, by following the instructions. Anyone can sign this petition, it is not just for people living outside the UK.  So spread the word.  Ask your family and friends to sign it.

You can also write to your MP who represents the town or city that you last lived in the U.K.
And write to your MEP ( you can find your MEP by doing a search on the Internet)
You can also join a social media group such as “Protect European Pensions” (Facebook). s/ProtectEuropeanPensions/.