Valencia president wants British to stay more than 90 days

Currently a British national is only allowed to stay in Spain for 90 days in every 180 but the Valencia regional government are concerned that the rule is too restrictive for British owners of Spanish homes or for relatives of British people who have become Spanish residents.

They have therefore asked the tourism minister to create a system allowing British nationals to stay in Spain longer than 90 days in every 180 according to the ThinkSpain website.

A British national caught overstaying their 90 days in every 180, if they are not resident in Spain, could be ordered to leave, fined and banned from returning for a set period of time. A relaxation of these rules would mean more mobility, increased tourism and prolonged investment in the region all of which the local and national governments are keen on.

As a result they have set up a working group involving the British and Spanish embassies in order to get an agreement in place as quickly as possible.