Walkway repairs to prevent garage leaks

I have to report to the urbanisation a difficult situation which has developed.

Four years ago we had walkway repair works carried out on the northern walkway to put an end to occasional leaks which were happening from the central drain into the garage below.

We thought that the works had put an end to the problem, but during the heavy rains in November 2018, and during the Easter holidays water again got into the garage from the concrete ceiling around the down pipe which comes through the affected garage.

Our maintenance company, who I first consulted, thought the problem might be at the top of the drain underneath the cover where there is a rubbish trap. Cats regularly use the drain to poo and this gets into the trap and partially blocks the drain at the top, causing ponding. As everyone knows, if you put water on top of concrete it will penetrate through and this is probably, or possibly, what is happening on this drain.

After Easter I asked the original builders of our urbanisation to get involved, and their plumbers suggested the removal of the trap so that rain water flows freely down the drain without ponding first. He said to me: “I have come across this problem before on other urbanisations and it seems that this is the cure.” His price for the job – 50 euros!

I authorised then and there for him to do the work. Unfortunately he did not do this – because, of “illness and pressure of other work”.

In the meantime the garage owner, combined with a home owner on our urbanisation who agreed to “help”, got the plumber back and after another meeting on site, the company has come back with an estimate for the work of 1,850.50 euros.

I have asked our administrator not to proceed with this work. Instead I have asked our administrator to get the plumbing company to do what they first advised – to remove the poo trap.

Then we will wait until the first substantial rains and see if there is still a leak. If there is then we will have to get the much more expensive work done – after all we have a responsibility that water does not go from urbanisation property into garages below.

I would remind all owners that I, as president, have been elected to look after the interests of ALL residents, and not a vociferous few. If those, who will undoubtedly be annoyed by my decision, wish to organise a vote of no confidence in me, then feel free to do so. I will not oppose it. Otherwise, accept that I will not allow, now or at any time in the future, any group of owners to write, or attempt to write, an open cheque against this community.