We now have a chat forum !

Due to popular demand we have implemented a chat forum on our website so that our homeowners can chat with each other and offer help and advice on Community matters and things in general. This is a private forum visible only to homeowners on our Urbanisation so you will need to register initially and then, upon approval, all you have to do is login and post your discussion.
To begin a discussion thread just create a new topic title (eg “How do you fix roller shutters ?”) followed by any further detail and wait for the helpful replies ! To contribute to other discussion topics simply click the Reply button and type your comment.
The purpose of this forum is to offer help and advice to fellow residents so members will need to adhere to a set of forum rules to ensure posts are polite and respectful to others. Moderators will not tolerate profanities or abuse and members contravening the rules will be banned or blocked.
You can visit the forum via the “Our Forum” menu on the homepage of our website.
Enjoy !

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