Western pool restoration now complete

I am pleased to be able to tell owners that work on the restoration of the western pool is now complete, is almost filled and ready for use. Sadly the weather forecast is not being very kind to us over Easter here in Spain, so only the very brave will probably venture in !

I remind you that despite repeated attempts by our administrator to get the company who did the original grouting to honour their guarantee to re-grout the pools, they did not respond and we would have been left with two unusable pools this year.

The work has been done by our new maintenance company which has given us a five-year guarantee. I have not signed a five-year maintenance agreement with this company in return as suggested by one owner.

If we attempt to take the original company to court it is unlikely we would win because the company would claim poor daily maintenance, and the maintenance man would blame people going to the pool without showering and contaminating the water with oils and creams. We could easily end up losing the case and paying a huge legal bill. I am not prepared to take this risk with urbanisation money.

Importantly, this year I must urge all those who use the pools to properly shower before going into the water – the rules are there for very good reasons.

After Easter the western pool will be closed for a few days to allow the laying of a path from the western gate to the shower area. The eastern pool will be accessible.