Work on drainage channel underway

Work has now started on creating a drainage channel on the eastern internal road.  This is aimed at ending the flooding problem which occurs every time it rains heavily. One reason for this is that mysteriously one of the manholes in the road was covered by at least 3cms of asphalt. Workmen have uncovered the manhole and are now creating the drainage channel. This will be about 20 metres long. Half way down the road there is another flooding problem and another drainage channel will be built there, leading to another visible manhole. No-one seems to know why the manhole cover was built lower than the road surface.

On a lighter note the drainage channel has become an instant play place for local cats!

My attention has been drawn to a minor subsidence at the base of the eastern steps on the central walkway. This could have been as a result of last week’s earthquake. It will be dealt with in the next few days through our maintenance budget.