Work started on hedge removal

Hello Everyone

As you know we voted at the AGM  to remove the hedge around the western pool and a working party was proposed to help do this.

I am pleased to say that the work has now started and I would like to thank all the community members that have contributed so far with their hours of hard labour to help achieve this task.

If anyone else would like to help continue with this work you are more than welcome.

There is still a chain link fence around the pool that was hidden under the hedge. Once the hedge is down completely we will consider the best options available to us.

Once again thank you community members for all your continuing hard work.

2 thoughts on “Work started on hedge removal

  1. Well done everyone great job , Hopefully that will keep the mosquitoes 🦟 at bay ,

  2. Nice work you guys, I wish I were out there to help you, but if there is anything I can do later in the year please let me know.
    The chain link fence looks quite tatty now that its exposed. Maybe it should be replaced with a timber fence which will look tidier and add some privacy. I brick wall would be nice but that’ll be really expensive. I’ve been doing some timber fencing in the UK with proper 4 inch square post cemmented into the ground and arris rails beteen them and vertical feather edge boarding. Works out about £40 pwer metre for materials in UK but not sure where to get them or what the cost is in Spain.

    Well done again and thanks.


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